Telegram app is our main communication channel with actual visitors in March 2021.

Unlike WhatsApp, your phone is kept secret!

Suggested schedule


Open pools: AxelBeach, Basement, Tropical La Zona

Beach #7 (suggested meeting point: near the flag pole)
Stroll accross the dunes (please don’t leave the marked path)
Tuesday 16:
Buggy tour (60 €)
More information


Any open pool: AxelBeach, Basement, Tropical La Zona.
Saturdays 13 and 23 @AxelBeach:
special BBQ and show.
Nuevo Rokoko
The English Bakery and Cocktail bar


Vital Suites Spa (private group bookings available too)
Shopping at Boxer fetish store.

Relaxed drinks at:

  • Bärenhöhle
  • Barack’Afé
  • Wunderbar
  • Divinity terrace
  • The English Bakery & Cocktail Bar

Fetish/sexy atmosphere
(tap for specific programmes):

Wednesday 17:
Harness Night @Tom’s
Thursday 18:
Fetish Night @Noxon
Remember curfew: 22:00 to 06:00

Opening times, prices and how to book:

Yumbo Map

Yumbo map

COVID-19 Status

Alert level will rise from 2 to 3 on Monday 22nd. In practice, there are no changes regarding the limitations below.

Alert level 1
Curfew 22h to 6h
Allowed groups Maximum 4 people (excl. members of the same household). This applies everywhere: from a table at a terrace bar, to groups of people on the beach or dinner parties at your apartment.
Mask Compulsory at all public spaces except while drinking, eating or swimming. Also compulsory when driving with non-members of the same household.
Social distance 1,5 m at all times excluding members of the same household.
Smoking  Forbidden even at outdoor spaces unless 2-meter social distance can be guaranteed.

We have
official T-shirts!

Available in several colors and sizes
Metallic and fluorescent finish

Ask our staff or
contact us if you are interested!


Thank you for supporting Bear Carnival partner venues during these hard times!